Spain main destination to live and make investments in housing

Spain main destination to live and make investments in housing. Our country ranks in a prominent second place, behind the UK, as a preferred place of residence according to consultant Knight FrankSpain is considered a paradise to live after COVID by foreigners, according to a survey.
Despite the problems of the tourism sector Spain is ahead of France, Switzerland, Canada, the USA or the Caribbean among those who are planning to settle outside their home country when the pandemic ends, according to a survey conducted in 44 countries around the world.
Despite the difficulties caused by the Covid-19 crisis, foreigners still have Spain among their favourite destinations. And not only to travel and enjoy a holiday, but also to live outside your home country.
In particular, Spain is the second favorite destination for those who are valuing the possibility of settling abroad after the health crisis. This is said by 17% of respondents in 44 countries by consultans Knight Frank, one of the global leaders in the real estate market. It only surpasses the United Kingdom, with 30%, in a ranking in which our country is a significant distance from France (9%), Switzerland (4%), Canada (4%), USA (4%), Caribbean (4%), Australia (4%) Portugal (2%), among others. Quality of life, good health and educational care, a stable policy and currency, and easy access to these destinations are the main reasons why these countries are among the favorites.
According to the study, 25% of respondents consider changing residences next year, of which 4 out of 10 would stay in the same city; 26% would change city, but within the same country; 34% would consider going abroad – which, in total respondents, is 9%.
Large real estate funds such as Blackstone or Cerberus keeps Spain as its investment objective mainly Madrid and Malaga. As a specialist in the real estate sector, I recommend investing in real estate assets in the face of market volatility. The luxury residential sector remains stable and growing in certain areas of Spain.
Mrs Irene Cortés –
Real Estates Judicial Expert Valuator. from 2004.